Death of a Storyteller

Blog Header ~ Cinnamon Ridge Hoodoos - Kamloops, BC 2009

Michael Jackson was a modern day Storyteller. When he performed, he had that magnetic attraction that draws people’s attention. Like many great artists, he had talent, studied famous dancers, and entertainers and perfected this creative energy in his modern performances.
However, he also experienced enough pain emotionally and physically that exposed his vulnerabilities. As a result, his sensitivities were so deep he could no longer tolerate day-to-day reality.
Alright..alright.. perhaps you have had enough of MJ!  
I am not about to negate any of his Sins. I am merely focusing on some of his human attributes!
He was still human with Autoimmune disease and chronic pain and likely predisposed to manic depression, anxiety and so on that led to drug abuse. No wonder he was unable to contain the energy of modern day stardom, scrutiny, and expectation.
This week I learned of a man named Antonio Lopez, a self-proclaimed Mediacologist. In his Blog, he bridges media literacy with ecoliteracy, and encourages us to think differently. As well, this is where I found the link to Michael Jackson’s video, ‘Earth Song’ on You Tube. 

The concept of Mediacology really intrigues my curiosity, as this is precisely what is needed to hold the tension of our rapidly changing world. It takes the values of Ecopsychology and Deep Ecology to ‘a whole ‘nuther level’!!

I definitely will be ordering his book!
'Mediacology- A Multicultural Approach to Media Literacy in the Twenty First Century' 2008
By Antonio Lopez
If you seriously want to read more about Eco-Anxiety and some therapeutic tools,
then I recommend visiting the following Blog by Sarah Anne Edwards, PhD, LCSW
 an ecopsychologist and author of the recently released book,
'Middle-Class Lifeboat, Careers, and Life Choices for Navigating a Changing Economy'.


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  2. Hi !

    I just enjoyed reading your Blog~ WOW! What an explosion of creativity! Cool!
